The Curriculum

Please find information on this page about the following:

  • Curriculum Organisation and Review
  • Curriculum Overviews for Subjects
  • About the Foundation Stage
  • About Key Stage 1 and 2

Curriculum Organisation and Review

Whole academy planning is undertaken in the light of the National Curriculum areas. Each Curriculum area has its teaching based on policies and schemes of work agreed by staff with supportive guidance and strategies. When children with Special Educational Needs are identified, parents are informed and Individual Education Plans of support are implemented. These are reviewed on a regular basis.

With the increased flexibility afforded to us through recent National Curriculum changes we have concentrated on using texts as a vehicle to drive learning across the whole curriculum. We are using reading as the starting point and so we hope children will immerse themselves in the carefully selected texts. Children will be encouraged to develop cross curricular skills and contextualised facts through the use of these texts. When selecting texts we have primarily considered the history curriculum and created ways to inspire, engage and motivate children with their learning.

Learning is a life long process which enables us all to play a full part within society, to contribute to it and benefit from it. All of us, as parents, children, teachers, governors and the community are involved in this process. Our school curriculum is of vital importance as it provides a solid foundation for future life experiences. In particular, our curriculum can provide learning opportunities through planned programmes, shared values and attitudes, which will equip children with the skills and knowledge to achieve their potential.

At Dorrington children have the right:

  • to be valued, recognising that children’s varied experiences and cultures are reflected in the way the curriculum is organised and delivered;
  • to equality of opportunity, contribution and esteem, recognising the individual and the special needs of each child;
  • to a curriculum that provides continuity and progression through well planned learning experiences;
  • to a curriculum that involves the children in the learning process as much as possible.

Curriculum Overviews

Foundation Stage

Please click on the relevant link below to find out more information.

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18th December, 2024

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19th December, 2024

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