
Should your child be absent for any reason, please ring the school office on 0121 464 5330 as soon as possible. If a reason has not been received after morning registration, a Group Call text message will be sent to parents.

Absences are recorded as ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’. Authorised absences are allowed for the following:

  • Illness.
  • Medical appointments (often these do not require the whole day off).
  • Religious festivals.
  • Absences due to exceptional circumstances will be considered by the Headteacher.

Please complete a leave of absence request form obtained from the school office for all absences other than medical.

Parents no longer have a right to keep their children away from school for reasons other than listed above. Such absences are classed as Unauthorised. Unauthorised absences may lead to fixed penalty fines from Education Welfare Service.

You will receive a record of your child’s attendance each year.


Term-time holidays are not authorised at Dorrington Primary School.

Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Supporting pupils with medical conditions

All children are screened by the school nurse or doctor during their Reception year. A vision and hearing test is also performed during the Reception year and you will be advised of the results. Parents are informed of this examination in advance and need to be present. A consent form from The School Health Service is enclosed in your Reception pack and must be returned to school when your child starts.

We recognise that there are times when it may be necessary for a pupil to take medication during the school day. Should your child need to take medicines/tablets/drops etc during school hours the following procedures must be adhered to:

  1. Parents/guardians must come into school and personally hand over the medication to the office.
  2. The medicine should be in the container as prescribed by the doctor and dispensed by the chemist with the child’s name and instructions for administration printed clearly on the label.
  3. The form ‘School Medicine Record’ should be completed by the parent/guardian. The school office will keep this, and a record of the administration of each dose will be made and signed.

If there are no written instructions, medicines cannot be administered.

If your child is unfortunate enough to have a splinter on their body, which needs to come out, the school will telephone you and seek permission to remove if possible.

Children with asthma may keep inhalers in their classrooms.

We ask annually for an emergency contact form to be filled in, please let us know if there are any changes during the school year.

Please ensure that the school has an emergency telephone number if you go out to work, where a responsible adult can be contacted if your child falls ill or has an accident.

We often receive phone calls from parents asking us about childhood illnesses. We hope that this information will help you when diagnosing and treating some of the many contagious diseases that can occur when your child is at school.

Recommendation of Absence from School

IllnessRecommended Absence
Chickenpox and ShinglesAt home until 5 days after date last spot becomes scabbed.
ConjunctivitisAt home 24 hours after beginning treatment.
Diarrhoea and GastroenteritisAny person vomiting or suffering from diarrhoea to remain home until 48 hours after it has stopped.
Hand Foot and MouthAt home 3-5 days, infectious whilst illness is present.
ImpetigoAt home 48 hours after treatment has started and crusts are drying up. Sores need to be covered up.
InfluenzaReturn to school when well.
Live Head LiceParents to be notified of children with head lice.
MeaslesAt home until 5 days after the appearance of the rash.
MumpsAt home until 9 days after the swelling started.
RingwormExclusion until treatment has begun. Activities involving physical contact or undressing for PE etc, should be discouraged.
Rubella (German Measles)At home until 5 days after the appearance of the rash.
Slapped Cheek (Parvovirus B19)No recommended period to be kept away.
Tonsillitis and Scarlet FeverAt home until 1 week after beginning antibiotics.
Whooping CoughAt home at least 5 days after treatment has started.

Medication Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

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