Our overall aim is to be an outstanding inclusive academy which specialises in focused personalised learning and development of the whole child.
Everyone at Dorrington strives to develop the skills, attitudes and values of each other to be the best that we can be.
At Dorrington Academy we aim:
- To respect the uniqueness of all those who are involved in the academy community.
- To ensure the academy is committed to obtaining the highest achievement for all. We aim to create this through a stimulating, happy learning environment which enables all members of the community to realise their potential for learning and their capacity for enjoyment.
- To encourage co-operation with each other, to be sensitive to the needs of others and to develop an awareness and an appreciation of other races, religions and ways of life.
- To encourage parents to take a supportive role in their children’s education and the daily life of the academy.
- To enrich our curriculum to enhance accelerated learning opportunities and enjoyment for all.
- To ensure SMSC penetrates throughout our entire curriculum.
As we move towards realising our vision, the Academy invests in the wellbeing of all its community.