- A Rights Respecting School (RRS) teaches children that they have rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- UNCRC stands for ‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’. There are 54 articles that state what it takes for a child to have a safe, happy and fulfilled childhood. All of the articles are based around the child’s right. The four general principles are: non-discrimination; best interests of the child; life, survival and development; participation.
You can read more about the four general principles here: UNICEF and here - A RRS helps the child develop into achieving their highest potential. It also means that the pupils and staff have responsibility to make sure that all the rights are followed
Who is the Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) for?
The RRSA is a UK-wide initiative for all children and all those working with or for children in formal education. It is being successfully implemented in all settings – Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Special Needs and Pupil Referral Units – across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
How does the RRSA link with other school initiatives?
The initiative supports a range of educational priorities in all UK schools; the global dimension, SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning), a common vision, a sense of belonging for all communities and sustainable development.
RRSA and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
The universality of the CRC provides a clear link for pupils between building up their rights-respecting school, understanding their rights and the need for children’s rights to be realised everywhere. Children and young people in rights-respecting schools develop a stronger sense of the need to act for global justice.
How can parents support their child to learn about the Convention at home?
- Take the time to ask your child what they have learnt recently regarding children’s rights.
- Discuss the ideas learned in class, and try to think of examples from your own experiences, or from the media, of rights being respected or denied.
- Discuss how your child or your family can promote respect for rights, or help those whose rights have been violated.
- Model using rights language with your children.
- Ask your child’s opinion on children’s rights.

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