Useful Links

For parents and carers

  • Free School Meals

    Link to apply for Free School Meals for your children with additional links on the page for ‘Free Meal Entitlement Criteria’

  • Parent Pages

    The national directory of services aimed at parents.

  • DirectGov

    The latest and widest range of public service information from the UK government.

  • SureStart Childcare

    Where to find childcare in your area.

  • Parents’ Resources

    Articles written by practising teachers designed to help with the education of your child.

  • BBC Parents’ Toolkit

    Lots of information about getting into learning and support your child.

  • Ofsted Parent View

    Your views are really important to us. Please find the time to fill out the Ofsted questionnaire.

  • Birmingham Local Offer for SEND

    A useful weblink which shares for local offer for SEND children for schools in Birmingham.

Year 6 SATs Revision


E-Safety: Parents and Carers

E-Safety: Foundation & Key Stage 1

E-Safety: Key Stage 2

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

4th July, 2024

Teacher Training Day

4th July, 2024

Miss Barratt’s Final Farewell

The academy will be closed on 4th July. Between 4pm-8pm we will be hosting an invite only event to say our farewells Miss Barratt. Dress to impress! The theme for the night is ‘Glamour around the World’.

19th July, 2024

Summer 2 Ends
gold logo 2015-16
quality mark logo
Unicef Silver Award
one education reading award logo
music mark logo