
School Admissions

Children start Reception in the academic year they are five.

Pupils are admitted to Dorrington Academy in line with the policy as set out by the Local Authority.

Parents who are unsuccessful in getting a place at Dorrington have the right to appeal to the LA. Information on how to do this is available from the school.

Special arrangements for Special Educational Needs pupils are discussed at initial meetings.

Click here for our Admissions Policy

Nursery Admissions

Children start nursery in the academic year they are four.

Pupils are admitted to Dorrington Nursery in line with the policy as set out by the LA which states:

  • First places will be offered to
    • Referrals from Social worker/Health Visitors etc. (Very strict criteria involved.)
    • Siblings.
    • Other places will be offered according to the distance from the school, nearest first.

Admission to Nursery does not automatically mean admission to School.

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

19th July, 2024

Summer 2 Ends

22nd July, 2024

Teacher Training Day
gold logo 2015-16
quality mark logo
Unicef Silver Award
one education reading award logo
music mark logo