Pupil Premium

Dorrington Academy Pupil Premium Policy


Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is a funding stream for children who are eligible for free school meals.

The Pupil premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of pupils who are vulnerable to possible under achievement.

These include; pupils who are entitled to free school meals (FMS), Pupils looked after by the local authority (LAC) and pupils of armed service personnel (ASP).

All schools are required to report on the amount of pupil premium funding received and the impact it has made on the education of vulnerable pupils.


  • The targeted and strategic use of pupil premium funding will enable us to maximise provisional opportunities to all pupils entitled.
  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all the pupils.
  • Pupil Premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify groups or individuals.  Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of pupil premium interventions at one time.


At Dorrington Academy we strive to support children’s confidence and self-esteem as well as their academic performance. Our first priority is to identify, through in-depth analysis, the needs of Pupil Premium children. It is our intention to offer a range of interventions to meet these individual needs.

Some of our interventions focus on literacy and numeracy skills. We also provide opportunities for new learning experiences, such as outdoor education and musical instrument lessons. In addition we implement interventions which support the development of the whole child through our RESPECT agenda and as part of our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education (SMSC).

Continuous monitoring and review will enable us to ensure the appropriate interventions are making a positive impact on pupils’ achievement and development as a whole child.

Interventions may include:

  • Small group work focussed on developing literacy and numeracy skills
  • Support for EAL pupils
  • 1:1 reading support with an adult
  • Phonic skills support to ensure success in Year 1 Phonics Check – Small groups & 1:1
  • Interventions to raise the attainment of underperforming groups
  • Outdoor education sessions to support self-esteem and social skills
  • Social skills workshops and support from a Learning Mentor
  • Small group work with an experienced teacher focussed on Gifted & Talented pupils in KS1 & KS2
  • Interventions to secure level four attainment
  • Extended day literacy and numeracy lessons twice weekly led by experienced teachers
  • Creative Arts – Music & Cookery

Pupil Premium Monitoring Group (PPMG)

The Headteacher and Governors have introduced a PPMG to collectively oversee the interventions and impact of this funding. This group is led by the Headteacher and Governor; it consists of:

  • Headteacher
  • Mr J. Hemmings (Governor – Lead in teaching and learning)
  • Mr K. Hyem (Vice-chair of Governors – chair of finance and staffing)
  • Senior Leadership Team

The PPMG will invite different Governors and staff members to attend as appropriate to deliver presentations and share good practice.


The PPMG will report through the Headteacher to the full Governing Body.

The school website will be continually updated to inform our community of Pupil Premium Grants and its uses and impacts.

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Events Calendar

21st July, 2025

Teacher Training Day
gold logo 2015-16
quality mark logo
Unicef Silver Award
one education reading award logo
music mark logo