Microsoft Teams Remote Teaching & Blended Learning Timetable


To enhance the learning experience, children may be asked to turn their cameras on during online sessions to participate and interact with the teacher.

With this in mind children/families must

  • Sit against a neutral background
  • Dress like they would for a school non uniform day – no pyjamas!
  • Use professional language
  • Be mindful that other children might see or hear them and anything in the background.

E-Safety is of the upmost importance and teachers will terminate a session immediately if they feel children are at risk. Please do not attempt to record the sessions.

For further guidance on how to support your child in keeping safe online please follow the link below.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for parents and carers to keep children safe online – GOV.UK (

Microsoft Teams Remote Teaching & Blended Learning Timetable


  • Lessons will begin on 11th January 2021
  • Each year group has an optional drop in support session. This is an opportunity for children to log-in and ask a question about their work if needed
  • All year groups will have two PE sessions with Miss Kenny each week
  • All work covered will be added to the website on a weekly basis

Timetable of Lessons


Reading9:00 to 9:40
Literacy9:40 to 10:40
Break10:40 to 11:00
Numeracy11:00 to 12:00
PE with Miss Kenny Monday & Wednesday Only12:45 to 1:30
Drop-in support session (optional)1:30 to 2:30

Year 1

PE with Miss Kenny Monday & Wednesday Only8:45 to 9:30
Drop-in support session (optional (starting 12th January 2021))10:30 to 11:30
Reading12:00 to 12:40
Literacy12:40 to 1:40
Break1:40 to 2:00
Numeracy2:00 to 3:00

Year 2

Reading9:00 to 9:40
Literacy9:40 to 10:40
Break10:40 to 11:00
Numeracy11:00 to 12:00
Drop-in support session (optional)1:30 to 2:30
PE with Miss Kenny Monday & Wednesday Only2:45 to 3:30

Year 3

Reading9:00 to 9:40
Literacy9:40 to 10:40
Break10:40 to 11:00
Numeracy11:00 to 12:00
PE with Miss Kenny Tuesday & Thursday Only12:45 to 1:30
Drop-in support session (optional)1:30 to 2:30

Year 4

PE with Miss Kenny Monday & Wednesday Only9:45 to 10:30
Drop-in support session (optional (starting 12th January 2021))10:30 to 11:30
Reading12:00 to 12:40
Literacy12:40 to 1:40
Break1:40 to 2:00
Numeracy2:00 to 3:00

Year 5

PE with Miss Kenny Tuesday & Thursday Only8:45 to 9:30
Drop-in support session (optional (starting 12th January 2021))10:30 to 11:30
Reading12:00 to 12:40
Literacy12:40 to 1:40
Break1:40 to 2:00
Numeracy2:00 to 3:00

Year 6

Reading9:00 to 9:40
Literacy9:40 to 10:40
Break10:40 to 11:00
Numeracy11:00 to 12:00
Drop-in support session (optional)1:30 to 2:30
PE with Miss Kenny Tuesday & Thursday Only2:45 to 3:30

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

gold logo 2015-16
quality mark logo
Unicef Silver Award
one education reading award logo
music mark logo