The Masked Reader

Welcome to Dorrington Academy’s The Masked Reader 2021!

World Book Day this year will be virtual. To celebrate, books and stories we know and love will be shared through The Masked Reader!

In this episode, some mystery readers will be sharing with you some extract from their favourite books. Their appearance has been masked! They are now: leopard, cow, dog, fox, pug, gorilla, leopard, cat, panda and the Grinch!

Watch the episode and see if you can unmask the identities of the mystery readers!

The masked readers consist of the following members of staff:

  • Miss Grewal
  • Miss Hayden
  • Miss Bird
  • Miss Stringer
  • Miss Smith
  • Miss Barratt
  • Mr Taylor
  • Mr Allie
  • Mr Harrison

Once you have made your guesses, vote below by Friday 5th March 2021.

Good luck!

Extra World Book Day Activities

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

4th July, 2024

Teacher Training Day

4th July, 2024

Miss Barratt’s Final Farewell

The academy will be closed on 4th July. Between 4pm-8pm we will be hosting an invite only event to say our farewells Miss Barratt. Dress to impress! The theme for the night is ‘Glamour around the World’.

19th July, 2024

Summer 2 Ends
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