School Closures January 2021

The Academy will open on 11th January 2021 for Vulnerable and Critical Worker children on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 9am and 3pm to allow for SLT to complete a deep clean on Thursday and Friday.

If you are a Critical worker, please complete the survey on the Academy Website by 7am on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

Work and activities for children have been updated and are available on the website on each year group page.

Online, face to face, remote learning will commence on Microsoft Teams from Monday 11th January 2021, a timetable will be posted on the Academy Website by the end of the week.

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

22nd July, 2024

Teacher Training Day
gold logo 2015-16
quality mark logo
Unicef Silver Award
one education reading award logo
music mark logo