School Meals

Dinner Time Arrangements

You have the choice as to how your child spends the mid-day break.

She/he can stay for school dinners, bring a packed lunch or go home for dinners.

Dinner money for the week, £13.00 (£2.60 per day), must be sent to school on a Monday morning.

We have a three option menu for school dinners, including a Halal and Vegetarian option everyday. The meals are cooked at a nearby school and transported to school each day.

If you know your child will be late for school (for example a dental appointment) please contact the school to ensure that the meal is ‘booked’ at the school office by 9.45 a.m.

The children are supervised at dinnertime by Supervisory Assistants who work closely with the teaching staff to ensure smooth transition between sessions. The mid-day break is an important part of the learning process and the supervisors have a vital role to play. Their aim is that everyone has a safe and happy dinnertime, encouraging appropriate behaviour and assisting with the mealtime routines.

High standards of behaviour are expected from the children. Parents will be informed when children are failing to meet the desired standard in the hope that combined action will improve the situation.

As of September 2014, the government will fund schools in England to provide every child in reception, year 1 and year 2 with a hot, nutritious meal at lunch time. The aim is to improve academic attainment and save families money.

Please click here for a copy of the latest menu.

Free School Meals

If you wish to check the entitlement criteria for enabling your child to get Free School Meals please check the document and link below.

Parent/Carer User Guide for Free School Meals

Birmingham council website with additional information

Please click here if you want to apply for Free School Meals

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25th October, 2024

Pink Day

6th November, 2024

Reception Open Day 2024-25

Open evening for new Reception parents for September will be Wednesday 6th November 4pm - 5pm.

7th November, 2024

Flu Vaccinations
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