We are delighted to be celebrating Easter with our Easter Bunny Disco, from Reception to Year 6. Please see below for details of the day allocated, for your child’s year group to attend:

Tuesday 28th March 2023Reception
Year 1
Year 2
Wednesday 29th March 2023Year 3
Year 4

Year 5
Year 6

There will be a £2.00 entrance fee and the disco will commence directly after school. All children will remain in school until the disco finishes at 5pm.

Your child can bring in their own clothes to change into, for the disco, if they wish.

A letter will be sent home with your child providing further details and with a consent slip. This slip must be completed and returned to the school along with the £2.00 entrance fee, if your child is attending the disco.

Please ensure that the money is placed in a sealed envelope and clearly labelled with your child/children’s name and class.

Your child will also have the opportunity to have their faces painted at a charge of £1.00 and they are welcome to purchase from the Tuck Shop during the disco.

We do hope your child will join us for this special event.