Pastoral Care

We hope that the years your child spends at Dorrington will be happy and stimulating. To ensure this, we take the pastoral care of the children very seriously. We will always discuss any problems your child may have. In the first instance it is the child’s Class Teacher you should contact.

The Head Teacher or a member of the Leadership Team is available, but a telephone call to the School Office Manager to make an appointment, may save you a wasted journey.

Remember that seemingly trivial matters can be very important to your child, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

We have a daily worry clinic for pupils. We have seven trained counsellors in school who run this clinic and children are free to talk to them about any concerns.

This year we have introduced a clinic for parents to drop in and discuss any concerns they may have relating to pupils wellbeing. This clinic is run by our lead Learning Mentor on a Wednesday morning in the New Build from 08.30 onwards.

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

19th September, 2024

Y1 Eye Tests

27th September, 2024

Macmillan Coffee Morning

1st October, 2024

Black History Month Begins
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Unicef Silver Award
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